
Dynamic, climate-friendly, ideal for startups: Berlin convinces in city rankings

Berlin is the best city in the world – at least that is the subjective impression of many Berliners and visitors to Berlin. City rankings by real estate service providers, scientific institutes, journalists and online platforms also prove this: Berlin is pulling ahead of other cities in many areas. Internationally, too, the capital can keep up with the world’s other metropolises. In this article, we present some rankings.

With 3.6 million inhabitants, Berlin is one of the largest capitals in Europe. More people live here than in Madrid, Paris or Rome. Berlin also has more cinemas and theater stages than any other city in Germany, and the Friedrichstadt-Palast, the largest theater stage in the world. The capital is also home to Germany’s tallest building, the TV Tower.

Resilient City Index 2021: Berlin in the top 15 most sustainable cities in the world

To be fit for the future and able to react flexibly to crises, cities, like people, need resilience. A study by real estate service provider Savills shows: Berlin is one of the most resilient cities in the world.

The real estate service provider Savills evaluates 500 cities worldwide for the “Resilient Cities Index” every year. For this purpose, the market researchers look at how the cities perform in the areas of economy, real estate market, ESG as well as knowledge economy and technology. They assume that cities with a thriving real estate market, a stable economy and a well-educated workforce cope comparatively well with changing environmental influences and market dynamics. The index indicates which cities are best equipped to deal with future crises.

Berlin makes it to 14th place among the most resilient cities in the world. This makes the capital both the most resilient city in Germany and one of the most future-proof in Europe. It scored particularly well with its 200,000 students and many universities, as well as a dynamic startup scene. The liquid real estate market also plays into the good rating.

Climate protection ranking by the University of Potsdam: Berlin most climate-friendly city in Germany

Cities are often severely affected by heavy rain, flooding, heat waves and other consequences of climate change, but they also produce a particularly large amount of greenhouse gases themselves. Accordingly, cities can and should do a great deal to protect the climate and prepare for the consequences of climate change.

Scientists at the University of Potsdam and the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research have investigated how German cities are doing in terms of climate protection and climate adaptation. The result: Berlin beats all other German cities in the area of climate adaptation and in the overall ranking.

For the ranking, the scientists took a close look at the climate protection and climate adaptation strategies of the 104 German cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants. They looked at publicly available documents and information and awarded points in both areas. They then produced an overall ranking.

Startup Heatmap survey 2021: Berlin best location for startups

Berlin is considered an El Dorado for startups. A survey of 1,300 founders from 29 countries by the online platform Startup Heatmap confirms this impression. According to the survey, Berlin is the best city in Europe to start a business. The capital thus passed London, which was in first place last year.

Among other things, the respondents rated the cities according to whether the startup scene is dynamic and how well it is networked, how easy it is to find developers and what the price-performance ratio is locally.

WirtschaftsWoche city ranking 2021: Berlin most dynamic city in Germany

How dynamic a city is can be seen from how quickly it develops in certain areas – regardless of the level from which the development starts. The IW Consult research institute, in cooperation with Immobilienscout and Wirtschaftswoche magazine, annually examines the 71 German cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The result of the 2021 city ranking: Berlin is the most dynamic city in Germany. The capital has developed more strongly than all other German cities over the past five years.

The scientists looked at various indicators in the real estate market, labor market, economic structure and quality of life. These include life expectancy, the crime clearance rate, the supply of daycare places and proximity to green spaces.

Workation Index 2022: Vacation and work can be perfectly combined in Berlin

Location-independent working is more popular than ever: In addition to the self-employed and freelancers, more and more employees are also more flexible in their choice of work location. So why not open up your laptop in another city instead of your home office?

For this mix of work and vacation, also known as workation, Berlin is the best city in Germany and one of the best in Europe. This emerges from the Workation Index 2022 of the vacation home rental portal HomeToGo. According to this, Berlin is ranked 10th in Europe and 15th worldwide. Popular cities such as Amsterdam, Vienna and Prague are far behind the German capital. On the first two ranks Tokyo and Bangkok created it, Madrid lies as the best European city on place 3.

The HomeToGo team looked at 150 cities around the world and checked whether they were suitable destinations for Workation. In the end, 69 made it into the ranking. Decisive factors were Internet speed, whether and how many co-working spaces there are, what the city has to offer in terms of restaurants and culture, how expensive accommodation is and whether a visa is required for the stay. Internal data from the platform was also included.

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